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Coach Heiko Reintgen explains a Ring Muscle Up Drill


Fall 2024

2:00pm - 4:00pm


Lutz Ring Muscle Up Workshop.jpg

You want to learn the Ring Muscle Up and expand your spectrum of movement?

You need ideas for progression possibilities and how you can integrate them into your own training?


Then we have the right format for you: the Ring Muscle Up workshop.


The workshop offers you complementary strength exercises for the strict Ring Muscle Up and shows you what to pay attention to.

The Kipping Ring Muscle Up will be broken down into its individual parts and you will be given specific drills to help you reach your goal.


The seminar is rounded off with programming recommendations that you can easily integrate into your existing training.


All levels are welcome!

Date: Fall 2024

Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Location: Bonn

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