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Picture shows an athlete in the handstand.


Get the Handstand Push Up program for



You have trouble with your strict Handstand Push Up?

You train and train and it just won't work?

Or you even have had neck pain when you tried Handstand Push Ups?


Then this program is the right one for you!


With the right exercises, progressions and instructions you will reach your goal. You get a step by step video tutorial of the exercises and what you have to pay attention to. The focus is on building strict strength, taking the right positions and keeping your shoulders and wrists healthy. Please note that this plan does not include any individual coaching support.


The training plan is manageable, which means you can do it in addition to your existing training schedule.

Join the program of gymnastics expert Heiko Reintgen. In the last years Heiko specialized in mastering the gymnastic elements of functional fitness. Especially breaking down complex movements into simple steps is dear to his heart.


  • 10 unbroken Push Ups

  • Wall Kick Up


  • warm-up, drills, strength exercises, wrist and shoulder preparation exercises, mobility bonus

  • 4 weeks training, 4 days a week, about 25 minutes per session plus time for warm-up and optional mobility bonus

  • do you train less than 4 days a week? No problem, you can schedule it over your regular training days

  • demo videos with points of performance that you can simply follow

  • access to a training website

  • I use the remote coaching software Fitr for distributing the online program



  • wall space

  • plyo box

  • dumbbell or kettlebell

  • barbell + weights

  • light band or theraband

  • PVC pipe / broomstick

  • bonus: pull up bar, foam roller

Get the Handstand Push Up program for



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I'm just an ordinary woman hungry to get stronger.

Handstand Push Up is something I've been dreaming of for years. Thanks to coach Heiko's plan... It gave structure and an order and a fun stress free way to get stronger. I just needed to follow which made it so easy.

Scaling options when I found a movement tough was gold. 

He's super approachable and his experience helps to sort out the issues unique to anyone. If it's anything body weight and gymnastic in nature.. he's the man to go to! 

Thank you for the guidance and the blue print towards getting stronger. I loved it! Love your Instagram handle too. So much value.

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I have been training to get a “Handstand Push Up” for the past 3 years with no proper guidance and just hoping it would happen one day! But No it didn’t


Signing up to this program was the best decision. 


I have seen massive results in myself from core strength to over head mobility all which is vital for handstand push-ups thanks to this clear effective program. 


Heiko is so encouraging that my fear just disappeared. The program itself is very enjoyable.


I have learned so much from Heiko, you can just feel his passion and commitment with his response to your progression. 


It’s contiguous and you will just want to keep learning and keep going.


Which is what I intend to do!


Thank you Heiko.

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Heiko's Handstand Push Up plan is highly recommended. So much is pointed out and paid attention to. What I especially liked was the focus on the right tension in the core and the posture in general.


It was challenging at all times and the plan provided the right scaling options for each level. In the videos you can watch the right technique again and again and if there are still any ambiguities, Heiko is also available online with advice and support.

Get the Handstand Push Up program for


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